WIPO have launched a new PCT feature in which applicants interested in licensing their invention related to their international PCT application can request the International Bureau to make this information publicly available.
From 1 January 2012*, PCT Applicants interested in licensing their invention may submit a Form PCT/IB/382 “Request for indication of availability for licensing purposes”. The licensing indication will then be shown in the bibliographic data relating to the application.
Furthermore, the existence of licensing indications will be added to the list of search criteria in WIPO’s PATENTSCOPE. Interested parties can therefore search for PCT applications which include a licensing indication.
We can assist clients with licensing terms (which may be specified in the PCT/IB/382 Request) as well as traditional licensing advice. Please contact us here if you have any questions in relation to licensing or the operation of the PCT Licensing Feature.
*for any international PCT application where the period of 30 months from the priority date has not expired.