POF sponsors CSIRO Manufacturing Golf Day

On 4 March 2016, Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick sponsored the inaugural CSIRO Manufacturing Golf Day at Sanctuary Lakes Golf Club.

Ross & Tadgell 6

The day started with a sausage sizzle to allow competitors to size up their opponents over lunch, before moving to the main event – a 9 hole course.  Partners Ross McFarlane, Malcolm Bell and David Tadgell flew the flag for POF, with Ross taking home the trophy for hitting the longest drive of the day. Post-game drinks and networking provided an opportunity for all players to catch-up with industry partners and peers.


Congratulations to CSIRO on organising a great event. We look forward to seeing you on the course again next year.

Graham Cowin, Consultant

Graham Cowin, Former POF Attorney


Graham joined POF in 1975, heralding the beginning of a long and successful career. He achieved his professional registration as a Patent and Trade Marks Attorney in 1978 and, as a key member of our Engineering team,  Graham honed his patent specification drafting skills working extensively with Australian-based clients.