On 5 May 2016, POF hosted the Joan Radford Memorial Lecture featuring the Honourable Dr Annabelle Bennett SC AO, former Judge of the Federal Court of Australia and the Supreme Court of the ACT. Organised by the Victorian Branch of the Women in Chemistry Group of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), this annual lecture welcomed all members of the scientific and legal communities.
We were delighted to receive the lecture by Dr Bennett who spoke about the importance of scientific training and different career paths it can facilitate. She explained how invaluable her scientific background has been in her own career development as well as her approach to law from a scientific standpoint. The MC for the event was our newly qualified patent and Trade Marks Attorney and RACI committee member, Dr Annabella Newton. Annabella welcomed guests and detailed the importance of Joan Radfordâs contributions to the sciences.
The event was a great success with 50 people in attendance, and offered a valuable opportunity to hear from a prominent figure in both science and law and to network with industry partners and peers.
We would like to thank everyone who attended this event and we look forward to working with RACI in 2016.