Australian Trademark Opposition Round-Up 28 November 2013

An Australian Trademark Opposition Round-Up from the Trade Mark Office Journal dated 28 November 2013.

If you wish to oppose the registration of trade marks of others, or if your own applications have been opposed by third parties, please contact us.

Please note that the information in the tables below is correct as at the date of the Trademark Office Journal but is subject to change.  Please check ATMOSS for the current status of any of the trademarks below.

Opposition Filed

Trademark Applicant Opponent
1548387   Australasian Compliance Institute Incorporated. SAI Global Ltd.
1553155   Alcock, Deborah. Watch & Grow Food Co.
1571105           MOVENTIX AstraZeneca AB. Novartis AG.
1550142         CARBONELL Australia Carbonell Wine Pty Ltd. Deoleo, S.A.
1463128               PREMIER Bluescope Steel Limited. Southern Wire Pty Ltd.
1565229                      BBS Brigade Electronics Plc. BBS GmbH.
1553484           CAMPAIGN BRIEF Campaign Brief Pty Ltd. Haymarket Media Group Limited.
1552020                      Fast Find George, Mark Anthony. Telstra Corporation.
1544596   Healthy Foods, LLC. K-Tec, Inc.
1539786                   IPSOFT IPsoft Incorporated. iSoft Group Pty Limited.
1571891                 LOGIC3 Logic 3 International Limited. Harman International Industries.
1552943               GOTHAM Palantir Technologies Inc. a Delaware Corporation. DC Comics.
1553017               COOLEX The Mackay-Payne Group Pty Ltd Invista S.a.r.l
1553349   Third Estate LLC. CBS S.A. Companhia Brasileira De Sandalias.
1513903   The Jack Rabbit Company Pty Ltd Ladcom Pty Ltd.
1519621   Total Eden Pty Ltd. Red Bull GmbH.
1555176   Warrior Challenge Pty Ltd. Under Armour, Inc.
1494604   Yap, Nelson. RP Data Limited.

Opposition Discontinued

(Proceeding to registration/protection) 

Trademark Applicant Opponent
1419686   Antonio Marras S.R.L. Leone International Pty Ltd.
1528339           POMPERSIA Ariana Holdings Pty Ltd. PomWonderful LLC.
1497697             SmartCare ITtelligent Consulting Services Pty Ltd. Chiptech Limited.
1447381     aromabotanical Inside Living Pty Ltd. Quinessence Aromatherapy Limited.
1518826   Intelligent Automation Pty Ltd. Global Switch Limited.

Opposition (Trademark Withdrawn)

Trademark Applicant Opponent
1528691PosBay Posbay Pty Ltd. eBay Inc, a Delaware Corporation