Duncan completed a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering (Honours) majoring in aircraft propulsion, and a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) majoring in copyright laws at Monash University. During the final year of his engineering studies, Duncan was published in the Journal of Applied Optics for his research into the characterisation of liquid surface acoustic waves using laser optical diffraction methods.
After completing his engineering degree in 2009, Duncan continued his law studies. During this time, Duncan worked as an assistant research engineer at the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC). Duncan was involved in several long term research projects into driver behaviour and road accident prevention within MUARC’s behavioural safety science team, with his primary experience being in a five year government funded study into the driving patterns of older drivers.
Duncan joined Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick’s Engineering team in 2012, where he is primarily involved in drafting and prosecuting patent specifications for both local and international clients.
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Service areas
Patents, Designs